There are some default exclusions in SOS that will skip cache data, application files and other system files that aren’t necessary for backup. SOS Online Backup can handle any file type, without limits.

Bandwidth settings, security preferences and all other options are there in the SOS Online Backup client for you to update based on your needs and wishes. Through the software’s settings you can customize and optimize the backup’s schedule to run at times you select, with in-depth options to select at which times a backup may be performed. You can check in on the backup process and a set of important elements by opting to receive email reports on the backups taken, so you can verify that the service is doing its job well. The service can run fully automatically without having to bug you after the setup is completed. SOS Online Backup will protect and save all your documents, images, music and videos with the option to manually define custom file types to backup and protect. SOS with UltraSafe also complies with the record backup and privacy requirements of SOX and other SEC regulatory standards. When used with UltraSafe, SOS complies with the record backup and privacy requirements of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Winner of numerous prestigious awards, including PC Magazine Editor’s Choice in October 2010 and November 2011, as recommended by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Online, SOS Online Backup has enterprise credentials and is built to meet the needs of businesses and organizations that handle sensitive information. You can take your personal cloud with you on the go with access to all your files, supported on PC, Mac, Android, iOS and even Linux.

The service lets you securely restore any file, anytime, anywhere from any device, with 24/7 immediate online access. I doubt that SOS backup installs files in the same folder, but it might be worth turning off MBAM self-protection if you have it enabled, and seeing if that makes a difference.SOS Online Backup, developed by its parent company Infrascale, is a service mainly geared towards business owners that allows you to backup all your data for as little as $3.58 per month. I've reinstalled MBSB but haven't re-enabled MBAM self protection, and it is now working fine again. Eventually, I realised that I had to disable self-protection in MBAM to gain access to that folder - it seems that MBAM locks the whole folder and therefore not only MBAM files but also MBSB files!. I kept getting the message that I needed administrator permission, even though I was logged on as an administrator account. Trying to run MBSB manually, I also got "Unable to connect to server" messages in the MBSB backup window.Īfter much fiddling, I decided to uninstall and reinstall MBSB, but found that I couldn't delete the MBSB folders and files in the "ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Secure Backup" folder. I came back from holiday last week, updated MBAM to the current version, and a couple of days later realised that Malwarebytes Secure Backup (a branded version of SOS) hadn't performed any scheduled backups since my return.